Organization Trends

InfluenceWatch Friday

April 19, 2024

InfluenceWatch, a project of Capital Research Center, is a comprehensive and ever-evolving compilation of our research into the numerous advocacy groups, foundations, and donors working to influence the public policy process. The website offers transparency into these influencers’ funding, motives, and connections while providing insight often neglected by other watchdog groups.

The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties research to use in reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.

CRC is pleased to present some of the most significant additions to InfluenceWatch in the past week:

  • Animal Rising is a United Kingdom-based “animal liberation” organization that advocates for ending commercial farming and fishing practices. The group also advocates in favor of “re-wilding,” or returning arable land to a non-commercially viable state instead of relying on modern farming practices. It was originally founded under the name “Animal Rebellion” in 2019 as a sister organization to radical environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion (XR) before changing its name in 2023.
  • Rising Voices is a state-based activist group that organizes members of the Asian-American community in the state of Michigan to advance left-of-center policies and support Democrat candidates running for office. The group was launched in 2021 as a project of Tides Advocacy, but as of 2024 it is a project of the Center for Empowered Politics, the 501(c)(4) affiliate of community organizing group Chinese Progressive Association. The Chinese Progressive Association has been accused of aligning ideologically with the government of the People’s Republic of China.
  • The Mental Insight Foundation is a grantmaking foundation originally founded to research alternative treatments for mental illness. Started by Klimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group founder Bill Klimpton in 1996, the foundation also funds left-of-center environmentalist groups including Amazon WatchEarth Island Institute, and Protect Our Winters. The foundation is a “representative client” of Virginia Hubbell Associates, whose other clients include the Hewlett Foundation, the Levi Strauss Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • Instituto Power is a political advocacy organization that pushes for left-of-center policies in the state of Arizona. It is the 501(c)(4) lobbying and political action branch of the Instituto organizational group, which also includes a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational branch called Instituto Lab. The group was founded by Luis Avila, who had previously worked on the failed Hilary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign. Its executive director is former Democrat activist Shelley Jackson.
  • Climate Safe Pensions is a network of environmentalist groups that advocate for an end to government pension fund investments in fossil fuel companies. Climate Safe Pensions is a project of, an environmental activist group, and as of March 2024 it claims its efforts have led to over $465 billion being withdrawn from investments in conventional energy companies. Several of its listed partner groups include, As You Sow, The Sunrise Project, and the Climate Defense Project.

Jonathan Harsh

Jonathan Harsh holds a master’s degree in political science from James Madison University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from  Beloit College. He is a content editor at the…
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