The serial exaggerators at the radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center are trying to capitalize on the Department of Homeland Security report that smears Americans on the political right.
That odious report quotes from the SPLC, which I’ve argued is ideologically motivated and unreliable.
Here is the fundraising email the SPLC sent out today:
Dear Friend,
As you may recall, we’ve recently documented 926 hate groups operating in the U.S. These organizations are being fueled by immigration fears, the faltering economy and the racist backlash to the election of President Obama.
Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has just issued a new alert warning of the dangers posed by these hate groups. It says that “white supremacist lone wolves” and “small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology” are currently the most significant domestic terrorism threat.
With your help, we’re fighting these groups every day by tracking and exposing their activities. We’re also training law enforcement officers and making sure they have the latest and best intelligence on these dangerous extremists.
And we’ve warned the Pentagon about extremists who have infiltrated the armed services. No one, of course, can forget the deadly toll of the Oklahoma City bombing by Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh.
Please help us continue our critical work and counter this mounting threat by sending a special gift today. We’ll keep you posted on further developments. And remember to stand strong against hate whenever and wherever you see it.

Morris Dees
Founder P.S. You can get more information – and see my appearance this week on the CBS Early Show – here. |

Matthew Vadum
The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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