Blog Florida 2000 = Virginia 2008
I received another appeal from yesterday. The latest says that in Tuesday’s election, Virginia could become the “Florida” of 2008. Tiresome. Here it is:
My name is Lara. I’m writing to you today because I don’t want you to have the same feeling of regret on Wednesday that I’ve had for the past eight years.
I live in Florida, and was here for the 2000 election. A lifelong progressive, I knew that I’d be voting for Al Gore. But that’s all I did. I didn’t realize the importance of gathering my friends and working together in the final days to get out every possible vote.
It’s painful to think about all the disasters that could have been prevented—the Iraq war, torture, the Bush economy, and all of Dick Cheney’s constitutional violations—if only a couple dozen more Florida volunteers had been knocking on doors in the final days of 2000.
I wish I had done more in 2000. I’m not going to make the same mistake again. I’m volunteering for Barack Obama in this final stretch, and I hope you will too.
MoveOn needs 1525 Obama volunteers in Arlington this weekend. Can you help out? Sign up here:
Any state could be this year’s Florida. We can’t listen to the polls that tell us Obama’s ahead. I thought that about Gore in 2000 too, and again about Kerry in 2004.
The simple fact is that it will all come down to voter turnout. If Obama’s supporters listen to the polls and don’t do everything we can to get out the vote, the polls will be wrong and we’ll lose.
If ever there was a time to do your part to help Barack Obama win the White House, these last few days are it.
Please don’t make the same mistake I did in 2000 and think voting is enough. Please don’t sit this one out. Every vote matters—and every volunteer matters. Obama needs each and every one of us to step up right now.
This weekend, 1525 Obama volunteers are needed in Arlington. Can you help out? Click here:
Thanks so much.
–Lara Kriegel, Miami, Florida
Obama volunteers needed in Arlington: 1525
MoveOn members already signed up: 1143