CRC on The Rush Limbaugh Show
We got a hit on The Rush Limbaugh Show today. My work on the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) was cited during the “Stack of Stuff” segment. From Limbaugh’s website (we’re posting this because we don’t have an audio file of the broadcast yet and because the content on the talk show host’s website is changed frequently):
Story #4: Former Abu Ghraib Detainees Sue US Contractors
RUSH: Well, you leftists are going to love this. Those of you who have been excited after Obama’s patriotism speech today are really going to love this. I have an AP news alert, here. “Former Abu Gharib detainees are suing US contractors in four states for alleged torture.” Former Abu Gharib detainees suing US contractors in four United States’ states for alleged torture! Thank you, United States Supreme Court, and the American left and your civil rights coalition!
Here’s more: “The first complaint was filed Monday in US District Court in Seattle. Others are being filed in Detroit; Columbus, Ohio; and Greenbelt, Maryland. The complaints allege that innocent people who were arrested and taken to the prison were subjected to forced nudity, electrical shocks, mock executions and other inhumane treatment by employees of defense contractors CACI International and L-3 Communications, formerly Titan Corporation. The plaintiffs are represented by law firms in Philadelphia and Detroit and by the Center for Constitutional Rights.”
The Center for Constitutional Rights is a so-called nonprofit legal advocacy organization based in New York, founded in 1966 by attorney William Kunstler. Do you remember Bill Kunstler? Most radical anti-American pro leftist lawyer ever, practically. He was with the Chicago Seven — just a pure, radical leftist. He’s a hero like Saul Alinsky was a hero. He remains a hero to this day with these people. He’s just a genuine leftist extremist. In recent years the Center for Constitutional Rights has been frequently in the news for civil liberties and human rights litigation and activism, as well as their legal assistance for people imprisoned in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp.
“Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center, a conservative nonprofit organization” — how come they didn’t call CCR a liberal nonprofit — “aims to study nonprofit organizations called the Center for Constitutional Rights, the terrorist legal team because it is believed that CCR is an ultra leftist public interest law firm that has protected the supposed constitutional rights of those who would destroy the United States.” So that’s the law firm behind these four lawsuits of US private contractors in Abu Ghraib.
I wrote about CCR in the September 2006 Organization Trends in an article called “The Terrorists’ Legal Team: Case by Case, the Center for Constitutional Rights Undermines America.”