
Check Out the Giving Review’s YouTube Channel

We’ve entered the 2000s.

With much help—in fact, well, someone did it for us—The Giving Review has created its very own YouTube channel and will now be placing all videos in its “Conversations” series there, perhaps along with some others of potential interest. The channel currently includes all 12 of the “Conversations” that have been previously recorded in video format—most recently including The Gathering founder Fred Smith, the American Enterprise Institute’s Ryan Streeter, and The New Class War author Michael Lind.

If and when you’re bored or think you may find some of the content worth your while, check out the channel. Perhaps even consider subscribing.

Did you know they have color copiers now?


This article originally appeared in the Giving Review on May 19, 2021.

Tags:  philanthropy

Michael E. Hartmann

Michael E. Hartmann is CRC’s senior fellow and director of the Center for Strategic Giving, providing analysis of and commentary about philanthropy and giving. He…
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