CRC President Terrence Scanlon has an op-ed in today's Washington Times. Here it is: President Obama has his second term and will never face voters again. On one of…
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who was once a victim of a vexatious lawsuit filed by convicted terrorist bomber Brett Kimberlin, today weighed in on the ongoing Kimberlin saga. As…
Former Capital Research Center editor Patrick J. Reilly has a fascinating op-ed in the Washington Times. Reilly is now president of the Cardinal Newman Society. The op-ed begins:…
I have an op-ed in today’s Washington Times. It begins George Soros’ Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for billionaire leftist political donors, has decided to drown Democrats and…
I wrote an op-ed recently for the Washington Times that was well received. It’s about Marxist academic and activist Frances Fox Piven who has called for bloody revolution against…
The Washington Times published an op-ed by Capital Research Center president Terrence Scanlon titled “Obama’s Goldman Game.” Here’s the top of the article: The Securities and Exchange Commission’s recent civil…
I have an op-ed in today’s Washington Times. It begins: Growing up, I always thought Jesus’ admonition in the Book of Matthew, “The poor you will always have with…
Capital Research Center made it into the pages of the Washington Times two days in a row. Today Amanda Carpenter quotes me regarding ACORN’s sham independent investigation of itself…
I have an op-ed in the Washington Times today about the Obama administration’s attempt to turn Sept. 11 into a day of organic vegetables and radical community organizing. A…