I have a new expose of ACORN corruption in today’s American Spectator online. Here’s the top of it: Citizens Consulting Inc. (CCI), the shadowy financial nerve center of the…
A mountain of paperwork detailing extensive, apparently credible allegations of wage and labor law violations against ACORN was received in early August by investigators on the House Oversight and Government…
Townhall magazine has published my long article on ACORN in the August issue. The article is called, “Stealing Democracy,” and with permission from the magazine, we repost the article here.
I neglected to post an audio file for a commentary of mine that ran July 1 on Frank Gaffney’s “Secure Freedom Radio” show. Gaffney is president of the Center…
Sometimes denunciation by evil men is proof you’re doing the right thing. Media Matters for America denounced me again, this time for a perfectly valid critique of ObamaCare. This…