Science is held in extremely high regard in the modern world, but with such great power and credibility also comes the very human temptation to manipulate science to serve less…
In 1974, the media began broadcasting warnings of an impending ice age. Today, we are supposedly being threatened by end-of-the-world catastrophic global warming. Which end-of-the-world scenario should we believe? Or…
The fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from…
Al Gore’s rants have only grown more maniacal as time progresses. But they are only one example. The Left is demanding that something must be done right now to avoid…
The global warming fanatics often show pictures of smokestacks billowing black smoke to suggest massive air pollution from CO2. Never mind that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas…
In the May/June issue of Capital Research, left-wing donors spend tens of millions of dollars to push gun control. Criminal justice reform has become big business, with both extremes raking…
It has been 30 years since Al Gore was transformed from forgettable U.S. senator and presidential also-ran into an influential and enduring climate alarmist cultural icon. He has won an…
Gore’s prophecy regarding Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania was more precise, and just as wrong his prophecy about Glacier National Park. Going on seven years past the day when Gore…
NASA has an online tracker of ocean levels that shows monthly changes back to January 1993. (Perhaps not coincidentally, this was Gore’s first month as vice president). NASA shows the…
The end of An Inconvenient Truth features the former vice president in solutions mode, previewing the policy recommendations that have become his agenda ever since. “Are we going to be…