Democratic-led cities, such as New York City and Washington, DC, have enacted laws allowing foreign nationals to vote in local elections, raising concerns about additional strain on election workers and…
There were significant election law cases in both battlegrounds and non-battlegrounds across the country. Some cases have been settled with clear victories for election integrity advocates.
While Congress has taken some steps to investigate Big Tech companies, states are also getting into the act. In particular, the Texas Senate committee that oversees election security has subpoenaed…
In a recent bombshell, the Washington Free Beacon exposed yet another way the Voter Participation Center (VPC) has been abusing its tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status. The VPC has a long and…
In February 2021, Molly Ball of Time magazine published an article titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” that took both sides of the…
In preparation for 2024, Protect Democracy is doing almost exactly the same work it did in 2019 and 2020. Protect Democracy recently published a 2024 Faith in Elections playbook that…
Mentioned twice in the Time article, Norm Eisen and his Voter Protection Program were clearly involved in “saving” the 2020 election, but the report never goes into detail on what…
At the time of the 2020 election, it was already widely known that the Voter Participation Center had long been acting as a thinly veiled Democratic get-out-the-vote operation. Today, the…
On February 7, 2024, Scott Walter testified on “Zuck Bucks” before the House Committee on House Administration. Afterwards, the committee asked him to answer nine Questions for the Record…
To the outside observer, Arabella Advisors is nothing more than an accounting and human resources firm that helps charities get things done, not a billion-dollar political influence operation helping leftists…