Instead of temporarily dipping into its nation-sized endowment, Harvard University has decided to lay off 275 workers, Reuters reports: The Ivy League school took the action to meet budget…
Institutions of higher learning in the U.S., which already have more money than God, stand to rake in billions of dollars in grants from the porkulus spending bill, AP…
Sol Stern of the Manhattan Institute has an excellent piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Ayers Is No Education ‘Reformer’ The new media spin is worse than Obama’s original…
Apparently our colleague EducationWatch director Phil Brand is quickly trucking his way across America’s heartland on his American Schools Tour. Check out the highlights from this post regarding his visit to…
The World Wildlife Fund is offering a private jet expedition in an attempt to reach a new level of hypocrisy. The journey is made up of a 24-day whirlwind…
We were covering the massive waste of money known as the Annenberg Challenge long before anyone had heard of its Chicago chairman, Barack Obama, or its Chicago co-founder, real life…
The Manhattan Institute’s City Journal has an excellent article on unrepentant terrorist William Ayers’s activities as a so-called education reformer. “Calling Bill Ayers a school reformer is a bit like…
CRC Education Watch director Phil Brand has begun his American Schools Tour, 2008-2009. He’s exploring the idea of school choice by visiting two schools in each of the 50 states.
How well did Obama know Bill Ayers? Was he “some guy who lives in my neighborhood”? Here’s a well-informed and well-reasoned blog speculating about how Barack Obama became chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and…