The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties to use this research in future reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.
Small-time environmental activists across the country are still very much willing and able to be cruel, disrupting and destroying lives wherever they gain power to implement their agenda. For example,…
Make no mistake, the same environmentalists who tried to dial coal and oil out of the economy are coming for natural gas next. “Green” fundamentalism won’t be satisfied until it’s…
America has always had its patricians, but as the word suggests, they saw themselves as patriotic “fathers” of their country, and their wealth and prestige were tied up in their…
So which politically active organizations are the biggest beneficiaries of community foundation money? To sift through tens of thousands of grants and avoid cherry-picking recipients, we identified nonprofits that are…
Community foundation grants ultimately originated with (mostly) anonymous donors, not the community foundations themselves, which serve as conduits for donor-advised-fund account holders. The largest community foundation givers on this list…
Who does philanthropy serve? Until we answer that question—one that our forebears understood—community foundations, private foundations, and 501(c) groups are immaterial. Philanthropos is the love of mankind rooted in the…
America’s liberal plutocrats’ “philanthropy” is more political than charitable and utterly disconnected from its roots in Christianity’s love for one’s fellow man. It isn’t only the Ford Foundation or George…
In 2019 alone, the Left's the four biggest, most influential pass-through funders brought in $1.7 Billion. These “dark money” empires are Arabella Advisors, the Tides Nexus, NEO Philanthropy, and the…
China is perhaps the world environment’s greatest enemy. They’re the world’s largest source of Marine debris, the largest consumer of trafficked wildlife and timber products, the greatest emitter of mercury,…