I have a piece in Human Events about ACORN’s rebranding charade. It begins: The radical advocacy group ACORN is playing the biggest April Fool’s joke of all time on…
As I warned in Human Events and at BigGovernment, ACORN isn’t going away anytime soon. A New York Times report confirms it. The merry pranksters at ACORN…
Unlike leftist shills John Atlas, Peter Dreier, and the pathologically truth-averse Brad Friedman (BradBlog), City Hall continues to provide cutting-edge coverage of the transformation of ACORN, the left’s favorite organized…
An inside ACORN source has just confirmed this to me: the Texas chapter of ACORN has pretended to break off from the national group and has incorporated itself under the…
From my post at BigGovernment.com: While America is distracted by Democrats’ attempts to unconstitutionally ram government-run healthcare down the throats of the American people, the Obama administration began preparing to resume…
Here’s the top of my article in yesterday’s Daily Caller: ACORN’s state chapter in Missouri is the latest to rebrand itself as part of ACORN’s national strategy to distance…
In today’s Washington Times I have an op-ed on ACORN’s latest legal troubles. It begins New election-fraud charges against employees of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now…
ACORN’s lawsuit in Baltimore has been dimissed for want of prosecution. The plaintiffs failed to serve their frivolous complaint on the defendants before Maryland’s 120 day limit ran out.
If you thought you sent representatives and senators to Washington, D.C., to exercise the constitutionally mandated power of the purse — you’re wrong. Silly you. You wasted all that time…
ACORN’s rebranding strategy has been tried before. The Ku Klux Klan used it, according to historian Michael Zak, author of Back To Basics For The Republican Party.