Organization Trends

Soros Funded Meeting of Voter Fraud Deniers Hold Election Law Conference

J. Christian Adams, who wrote a paper for us last month called “The Left’s Army of Election Law “Experts,” reports at Pajamas Media that a bunch of George Soros-funded groups got together last month to plot new ways to undermine election integrity.

His post (which you may view here) begins

Last month, a collection of groups funded by George Soros held a conference on election law and the upcoming 2012 election.  PJMedia has obtained details of the event from an attendee.  Our eyes and ears are extensive.  The meeting was one long attack on voter integrity efforts in the 2012 election.  The sponsor was the Fair Elections Legal Network, a group that received $105,000 from the Soros-funded Tides Foundation since 2007.

The speakers were Deven Anderson of the “Black Youth Vote”;  Robert “Biko” Baker, League of Young Voters Education Fund;  Eric Marshall, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.   Anderson was the recipient of a fellowship from the Soros funded radical organizing outfit Center for Community Change.  The panel was moderated by Megan Donavan of the sponsor organization, the Fair Elections Legal Network.  Donovan hails from the vote fraud denying Brennan Center for Justice by way of the Center for
Reproductive Rights, proving that ideology may be more important than specialization.

These types of groups exist primarily to attack any effort to combat voter fraud or ensure the integrity of elections.  As I write in my book Injusticethere is “an enormous and well-funded industry of voter fraud deniers that provides an intellectual smokescreen for this lawlessness.” […]




Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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