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Richmond Tea Party Claims Unfair Treatment by IRS

Jamie Radtke, a former president of the Richmond Tea Party, says the Internal Revenue Service is going out of its way to make life difficult for her group.

Radtke, now a Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Virginia, told the Daily Caller that the Richmond Tea Party has been waiting for tax-exempt charitable status since December 2009.  “After waiting two and a half years for approval the IRS recently communicated a new set of overly-burdensome and invasive demands for information that exceed the scope of the IRS code.” The IRS wants answers to “12 additional questions in 53 separate parts” and demanded the group produce a a list of all its donors and volunteers.

Radtke has asked House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to look into how tea party groups are being treated by the IRS.

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