Pew Research: “Rush Limbaugh,” “Hannity & Colmes” Listeners Best Informed About U.S. Politics
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press tested the political knowledge of 3,612 U.S. adults and found that the audiences of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity with Alan Colmes were the best informed about U.S. politics.
On two questions that asked respondents to identify the majority party in the U.S. House of Representatives (Democrats) and to identify the current U.S. secretary of state (Condoleezza Rice), “Hannity & Colmes” viewers scored 84% and 73% respectively. Among Rush Limbaugh listeners, the scores were 83% and 71%.
On a question involving international affairs in which the respondents had to identify the prime minister of the United Kingdom (Gordon Brown), 59% of readers of The New Yorker and the Atlantic got it right, compared to 57% of NPR listeners.