
    Organization Man

    SEIU president Andrew Stern claims that organizing new members is more important than winning elections. But he is amassing political power in Washington, DC, at the expense…

    Covering Up for ACORN

    I assess former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger’s report on ACORN in this morning’s American Spectator. From the top of the article: The newly released “independent” review of the…

    Harshbarger’s ACORN Coverup

    Former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger released a report earlier today that completely whitewashes the activities of the organized crime syndicate ACORN. It’s pure nonsense, filled with lies, half-truths, hair-splitting,…

    Soros Election Theft Project

    I explore George Soros’s continuing effort to steal elections in a new American Spectator piece. Here’s the top of the article: History’s most notorious Georgian-turned-Russian, the politically astute Joseph Stalin…

    Schwarzenegger Doubles Down On Stupid

    Proving once again the wisdom of the Twenty-Second Amendment, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to promote the demonstrable fraud that is manmade global warming. The Governator unveiled a map…


    I don’t really cover enviro crap so I’ll just link to this excellent editorial from National Review Online.

    Sex Education

    (Organization Trends, December 2009 PDF here) The Bush administration promoted federally-funded abstinence education as an alternative to so-called “comprehensive sex education,” the norm…