“Obama’s Desecrators of 9/11”
I have a follow-up article in the American Spectator about President Obama’s greenwashing of 9/11.
It’s called “Obama’s Desecrators of 9/11.”
It begins:
President Obama is counting on two Marxists who blame America for the 9/11 terrorist attacks to help turn Sept. 11 from a day of solemn remembrance into an unseemly celebration of radical environmentalism and Big Government.
The two men charged with this politically correct exercise in desecration and icon-smashing are the boorish, self-absorbed Rev. Lennox Yearwood and the comparatively suave, articulate Van Jones. Jones is adept at concealing his radicalism; Yearwood is incapable of doing so.
Yearwood is apparently an ordained minister of the Church of God in Christ. He uses a megaphone and 1960s style protests to get his message out. Jones, the more urbane and media-savvy of the two, is the president’s green jobs czar at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Jones uses Web 2.0 and the language of capitalism –non-threatening words like investment — to sell socialism. But more on their Marxism in a moment.
As I wrote last week, about 60 groups including those associated with Yearwood and Jones, are planning to help the Obama administration greenwash the meaning of 9/11. They want to turn each Sept. 11 into a National Day of Service focused on the importance of bicycle paths, ethanol, carbon emission controls, putting solar panels on your roof, and radical community organizing. It has nothing to do with healing the nation and everything to do with easing the nation along in the ongoing radical transformation of America that President Obama promised during last year’s election campaign. […]