
Newsweek Partners with Money-Losing Liberal Radio Network Air America

Newsweek has decided to enter into a business deal with Air America. NewsBusters reports

Liberal radio uber-failure Air America is branching out, expanding their tremendously successful business model to include syndication of outside programming.  And with whom are they beginning this new venture?

Why, Newsweek magazine, and their program Newsweek On AirNewsweek has been thusly broadcasting for twenty-seven years, has won “various awards and a place on so many station schedules” — and I would venture that most of you have never heard of it.

A state of anonymity that will likely continue with their Air America partnership.

This announcement comes the same week Newsweek uses its cover and the accompanying story to bash Rush Limbaugh, the undisputed king of syndicated talk radio and someone who is diametrically opposed ideologically to the magazine’s new syndication partner. […]

Air America has taken in at least $8 million from George Soros’s Democracy Alliance, and filed for bankruptcy protection in 2006.

(Hat tip to Seton Motley of NewsBusters)

Tags:  activism

Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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