New Malkin Book “Culture of Corruption” Spotlights CRC Research
In her new book Culture of Corruption: Obama and his team of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies, bestselling author Michelle Malkin highlights my work and Capital Research Center’s work on ACORN.
From the acknowledgements at page 292:
Several organizations left, right, and center deserve singling out for their principled and unwavering dedication to transparency, open government, and accountability. This book drew on the vital research by the National Right to Work Foundation, Capital Research Center, Employment Policy Institute, and Center for Responsive Politics. Many individual whistleblowers provided invaluable information, but I’d like to give special thanks to Anita MonCrief for her enormous courage and vigilance on ACORN corruption –and to Mike Gaynor and Matthew Vadum for their foresight and insight in reporting on the story when no one else would. [emphasis added]
I scored several endnotes too. Blogger extraordinaire Robert Stacy McCain also received special thanks in the acknowledgments section. (Be sure to read the long article on ACORN I have in the August Townhall magazine. It’s the cover story.)
Glenn Beck interviewed Malkin yesterday on his radio show and on his TV show about her book which as of today is #1 in sales at
On TV Malkin said the radical left-wing group ACORN and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are in the forefront of an effort to radically transform America and are “intimately” and “inextricably” linked. The far-left SEIU is “a union that has remade itself in the 21st century to recruit the next generation of Democrat and hard-left foot soldiers,” she said.
Here is the video from the “Glenn Beck Program”:
Shameless plug: I’ve been on the “Glenn Beck Program,” the “G. Gordon Liddy Show,” and plenty of other programs many times talking about ACORN. Videos may be found here, and audio podcasts may be found here.