Is ‘The Center for Social Inclusion’ Real?
Although we are flattered that the Center for Social Inclusion’s website linked to our Oct. 5 post on the recent “Saturday Night Live” skit in which mortgage moguls Herb and Marion Sandler were depicted as greedy criminals and George Soros was depicted as a master financial manipulator and as the “owner” of the Democratic Party, we’re not sure if the Center is real or a joke.
The website, Stop Dog Whistle Racism, explains that “[d]og-Whistle Racism is political campaigning or policy-making that uses coded words and themes to appeal to conscious or subconscious racist concepts and frames. For example, the concepts ‘welfare queen,’ ’states’ rights,’ ‘Islamic terrorist,’ ‘uppity,’ ‘thug,’ ‘tough on crime,’ and ‘illegal alien’ all activate racist concepts that that have already been planted in the public consciousness and now are being activated by purposeful or accidental campaign activities, media coverage, public policy and cultural traditions. So, what’s dog whistle racism? It’s pure political theater to push buttons to win elections and policies., a project of the Center for Social Inclusion, is here to identify, expose and help you to track it. Join us.”
This sounds like pseudoscientific politically correct nonsense. What a waste of bandwidth.