InfluenceWatch Podcast #286: Political Football

It’s September: The kids have gone back to school, the oppressive heat dome is beginning to lift, and the sports calendar has turned from baseball (for those of us whose teams have woefully underachieved compared to their expectations) to football. But not all who take an interest in gridiron goings-on are interested in the on-field product: From team names to taking a knee, the NFL is surrounded by left-wing activists that want to push politics. Joining me to discuss the politics of pro football are my Capital Research Center colleagues Sarah Lee and Kristen Eastlick.
Listen to “Episode 286: Political Football: Who Paid to Push the Redskins Name Change?” on Spreaker.
- Fox News: Native American group that wanted ‘Redskins’ removal is funded by Soros foundation, other leftist orgs
- Capital Research Center: Latest NFL social-justice grant recipients sport George Soros connections
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Coco Gauff Won. So Did Climate-Change Protestors.
- InfluenceWatch: National Congress of American Indians