InfluenceWatch Podcast #274: George Soros’s Successor

George Soros, the famous liberal billionaire investor-philanthropist, is over 90 years old, which would motivate anyone in his position to think about his succession. This week, the Wall Street Journal profiled the heir apparent: Soros’s son Alexander, who claims to be even “more political” than his father. Joining me to discuss Alex Soros and the future of the Soros family advocacy-philanthropic empire are my colleagues Sarah Lee and Parker Thayer.
Listen to “Episode 274: George Soros’s Successor” on Spreaker.
- InfluenceWatch: Alexander Soros
- InfluenceWatch: Open Society Foundations
- Wall Street Journal: George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’
- Washington Examiner: Meet Alex Soros, the 37-year-old successor son to the $25 billion George Soros empire