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Happy Birthday, InfluenceWatch!
InfluenceWatch launched three years ago on August 31/September 1, 2017—the guilty responsible parties were probably too tired to note whether it was before or after midnight when InfluenceWatch.org went live.
Since its beginning, InfluenceWatch has grown to more than 7,500 pages and over 2,000 full profiles. For increasing numbers of the media, government officials, and the public policy community, InfluenceWatch has become their go-to source for reliable, current information on influencers—the people and organizations on the Left that are trying to influence public policy and the billions of dollars that flows through them.
The website traffic confirms this: By July 2020, InfluenceWatch traffic for 2020 had exceeded total traffic for 2019. The growth is approaching exponential.
A few of IW’s most popular profiles have been:
- Antifa
- Black Lives Matter (movement)
- Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLM national chapter)
- Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Congratulations to my colleagues and everyone else who is making InfluenceWatch a success.
As a final note, here’s Dr. Steven J. Allen’s introduction to InfluenceWatch: