George Soros has Many Friends on Capitol Hill and in the New Administration
We already knew that Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) and other lawmakers such as Representative Rahm Emanuel (D-Illinois) have been close to liberal philanthropist George Soros for years, but a Sept. 7, 2004 letter on Frank’s website shows just how close.
Here is one passage from the incredibly solicitous letter (available as a PDF file here) signed by Frank and 10 other lawmakers:
We have been particularly troubled by the McCarthyite attacks that have been made on you by some American politicians, including colleagues of ours, who have gone far beyond the reasonable bounds of civil discourse in their efforts to discredit you.
Soros is, of course, the same practitioner of civil discourse who compared the Bush administration to the Nazis. Soros also implied that President George W. Bush is responsible for killing “thousands of innocent civilians.” Soros also funded the sham study that vastly overstated casualties in Iraq.
The letter is signed by Representatives Frank, Rosa DeLauro (D-Connecticut), James McGovern (D-Massachusetts), Howard Berman (D-California), Rahm Emanuel (D-Illinois), John F. Tierney (D-Massachusetts), Edward Markey (D-Massachusetts), Diana DeGette (D-Colorado), George Miller (D-California), William Delahunt (D-Massachusetts), and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).
Rahm has since been designated by President-elect Barack Obama to be his White House Chief of Staff, and Brown is now a U.S. senator representing Ohio.
Clearly Soros’s political investments have finally paid off.
(Here is a currently active link to the letter on Frank’s congressional website.)