
CRC in the Washington Times

It’s been a bad year for Al Gore and his global warming crusade.   First there was the Climategate.  Then the apparent collapse of “cap-and-trade” legislation in the U.S. Senate.   And recent polls show a vast majority of the public skeptical of man-made global warming claims.  Bust as I write in my August 24 Washington Times column:

Mr. Gore himself is to blame for at least some of the public backlash against global-warming orthodoxy: Using bad science to justify bad policy will inevitably rub people the wrong way. And Mr. Gore has not helped his cause by consistently expressing outrageous falsehoods (“the debate is over”) and shamelessly trying to shield his assertions from legitimate criticism by claiming “settled science.” All the while, he has enriched himself and pushed a left-wing economic agenda.

Read the whole thing here

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