Monthly Notes
Briefly Noted: November 2011
Evidence is mounting that suggests that ACORN is paying people to participate in the Occupy Wall Street protests. The SEIU-funded Working Families Party, a front group for ACORN, placed a want ad on the Craig’s List website in September recruiting activists to carry out “direct action,” a leftist term for tactics of provocation and sabotage. WFP organizer Nelini Stamp said the protests are aimed at “trying to change the capitalist system” and bringing “revolutionary changes to the states.”
Leaked emails reveal that Occupy Wall Street (OWS) organizer Harrison Schultz, who works at Atrinsic, a publicly traded corporation, called the burgeoning movement both “a revolutionary plan” and a “Corporate Funded Revolution.” Schultz wrote that corporate money may be needed after financial support from radicals dries up. In fact George Soros has funded many of the left-wing groups participating in the nationwide OWS demonstrations through his Open Society Institute.
Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, said he intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes. At the left-wing Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington, D.C. last month, Lerner said he will send union goons to “visit” CEOs at their homes. He also told another recent gathering that it is necessary to demonize people like JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon in order to advance the socialist agenda. “We’ve got to be clear on the human beings who are bad,” he said. Wealthy corporate leaders must be ostracized, he said. “How do we make it so politicians don’t even want their money because their money’s toxic, it’s dirty, it’s evil.”
Tea Party activists recently met with anti-corporate liberals at Harvard Law School to discuss the possibility of convening a new constitutional convention to deal with what they consider to be failures in the American system of government, Daily Caller reports. The Constitutional Convention Conference (“ConConCon”) — was chaired by left-wing professor Lawrence Lessig and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler. “The Framers created a method for escaping from captured government: An Article V Constitutional Convention,” said a joint statement. “The conference’s lead organizers are both proponents and opponents of an Article V convention and we actively encourage the participation of those who support a convention and those who oppose holding a convention at all.”
National Republicans have created the Congressional Leadership Fund, the first GOP “Super PAC” focused exclusively on House races, the Politico reports. The new entity chaired by former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), aims to compete with the Democratic House Majority PAC, which is backed by House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “We will counter efforts on the left including the House Majority PAC, unions and the ACORN-style groups,” said Brian Walsh, president of Congressional Leadership Fund. Former National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Tom Reynolds, American Action Network chairman Fred Malek, and former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.) sit on the new fund’s board.