America-Hating Terrorist Lynne Stewart May Die In Prison. Good.
Lynne Stewart is a terrorist and a traitor and ideally she should have received the death penalty.
That wasn’t the way the pantywaist Clinton-appointed Judge John G. Koeltl saw it in 2006 when he sentenced the radical anti-American lawyer who became a willing participant in an Islamic terrorist plot to a mere 28 months in prison-a fraction of the 30-year term the government sought.
But things have changed. The septuagenarian Stewart has been resentenced, this time to a 10-year prison term. It’s about bloody time.
Note that some blogger and media outlets have been describing Stewart, an avowed Maoist, as a terrorist sympathizer. While it is certainly true that Stewart sympathized with terrorists, such a description does not get to the heart of her misdeeds.
Stewart violated federal prison procedures for dangerous offenders such as her client and deliberately conveyed orders from the client to his murderous terrorist group in Egypt. In doing so she became a terrorist in her own right and back in the good old days would have been put to death, as her fellow traitors the Rosenbergs were.
If there is any justice in this world Stewart will live out the rest of her natural life behind bars where she belongs.
I wrote about Stewart’s treachery in Human Events in 2006. I also discussed Stewart in a profile of the anti-American law firm Center for Constitutional Rights.