
ACORN’s Disgraced Founder Wade Rathke Speaks

And lies issue from his mouth — or in this case, from his computer keyboard.

Wade Rathke responds on his blog to the news reports about ACORN International changing its name.

“I’m just an organizer of lower income families around and not someone on either side of the fence with an axe to grind,” writes Rathke who participated in an eight-year coverup of his brother’s nearly $1 million embezzlement from ACORN.

So now he’s being victimized? 

He also says in a roundabout way that he resigned from ACORN. Not true. He was dismissed, as shown in the ACORN national board minutes of June 20, 2008. (See pages 10 and 11 in linked document.)

Tags:  ACORN

Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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