ACORN versus ACORN: The Complaint from the Dissident ACORN 8’s Lawsuit Seeking Rathke Embezzlement-Related Documents
We got our hands on the legal complaint filed in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, by the dissident “ACORN 8.” This cluster of unhappy ACORNs is upset with fired ACORN founder Wade Rathke’s eight-year-long coverup of his brother Dale’s nearly $1 million embezzlement. The plaintiffs had demanded that ACORN produce documents related to the scandal. ACORN refused and continues to refuse.
Reportedly the ACORN board had the action dismissed, arguing that the board members lacked standing to take them on in court.
The complaint in Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, et al. v. Wade Rathke, et al., being file number 08-8342, Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, is available as a PDF file here: ACORN v. Rathke.