ACORN Rent-A-Mob Gives Foreclosure Auctioneer Chest Pains
The Sacramento Bee reports that an ACORN rent-a-mob sent a foreclosure auctioneer to the hospital with chest pains:
A large crowd of protesters disrupted several foreclosure auctions today on the Sacramento County Courthouse steps, winning temporary cancellation of one Sacramento foreclosure and sending an auctioneer to the hospital with chest pains.
Bidders on the homes, all declining to provide their names, called the ACORN protest the first major disruption of an established auction schedule that plays out every weekday at the courthouse following 37,000 foreclosures in the capital region since Jan. 2007.
About 75 statewide members of the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the capital for a lobbying day on housing issues, delayed at least three auctioneers from selling foreclosed homes today.
“Many of the sales that are happening now are around houses that could be saved by the (loan modification and refinance) plans starting to be implemented,” said Amy Schur, California director of ACORN.
The group organized the protest with bullhorns, whistles and chants of “Save Our Homes,” to make its case for a moratorium on foreclosures until plans unveiled in March by the Obama administration have a chance to work. […]