ACORN Fall Vote Fraud Campaign Underway
The vote fraud specialists at the radical group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) have already gotten their fall vote fraud campaign underway.
The Harrisburg Patriot-News reports that ACORN’s recent activities in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, are under investigation by county detectives. ACORN National President Maude Hurd said she did not believe the former employee, who collected up to 150 questionable voter registrations, sought to register ineligible people. “While we don’t think the intent or the result of his action was to allow any ineligible person to vote, this employee defrauded ACORN and the American public,” Hurd said.
So we’re supposed to believe that ACORN, which has a long history of voter fraud, is the victim of a rogue employee?
Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that Dale Rathke, who is the brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke, embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN and affiliated groups in 1999 and 2000. Amazingly, Dale Rathke remained a paid employee of ACORN up until a month ago when word of the scandal broke in ACORN circles.