ACORN DC PAC Might Be Fined $2,000
Kevin Mooney of the Washington Examiner reports that ACORN’s political action committee in the nation’s capital could be fined for violating disclosure laws:
Campaign finance officials could fine the Washington D.C. Political Action Committee (PAC) for the Association of Community Activists for Reform Now (ACORN)’s up to $2,000 for its failure to observe the deadline for filing a report on receipts and expenditures, according to a hearing notice.
ACORN submitted an affidavit with a copy of the delayed report in lieu of sending representatives to appear in person on July 27 for a scheduled hearing, Wesley Williams, the public affairs manager for the Office of Campaign Finance D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics said. The D.C. ACORN (PAC) failed to observe a January 31, 2009 deadline for filing the report, the hearing notice shows.
“The hearing officer will determine whether or not ACORN will be fined,” Williams said. “There is no firm deadline but it should take about 30 days or so for a final decision. It is permissible to submit an affidavit in lieu of appearing in person but it is always better to respond to questions face to face.”
Civil penalties provide that a PAC could be fined the equivalent of $50.00 per day times the number of days late with the maximum penalty set at $2,000.00. […]