
ACORN at the White House

I have a piece in today’s American Spectator on ACORN spokesman and lobbyist Scott Levenson visiting his old co-worker Patrick Gaspard in the Obama White House.

Gaspard, who worked for ACORN, is now President Obama’s political director.

Here’s the top of the article:

The newly released list of visitors to the Obama White House makes the president’s claim he’s clueless about his former employer ACORN — and its election fraud trials and tribulations — especially difficult to believe.

Of particular significance is the visit by ACORN spokesman Scott Levenson who met with White House political director Patrick Gaspard in March. The purpose of the meeting with Gaspard, a former ACORN employee himself, was not disclosed.

Levenson, who is also a registered lobbyist for New York ACORN, is the charming fellow whom Glenn Beck threw off his set May 6 for calling the TV host a racist. He’s been helping to coordinate ACORN’s public disinformation strategy which relies heavily on lies and misdirection.

It is worth noting that Levenson’s visit to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wouldn’t in itself be untoward except that Obama claims — unconvincingly — to be out of the loop regarding ACORN. […]

Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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