
Ted Turner’s $1 Billion Gift to the U.N.–An Update

The latest issue of Conde Nast Portfolio reports that ten years ago this month Ted Turner pledged to give $1 billion to the U.N. But so far Turner has given only $655 million to the United Nations Foundation and [here]and its advocacy group affiliate, the Better World Campaign and [here], both of which he chairs.In 2004, CRC’s Foundation Watch noted that the stock market slump had decimated Turner’s fortune, causing it to drop from $10 billion to $2 billion. At that time the U.N. gave Turner a break [what else could it do?] extending from ten to fifteen years the time he had to fulfill his pledge. If he keeps on giving, he seems on track to make it $1 billion in 15 years.

Tags:  philanthropy

Robert Huberty

Robert Huberty served as vice president of the Capital Research Center.
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