
Give to the Causes You Love on Giving Tuesday 2021

No country does philanthropy like America. Nothing better expresses that charitable spirit than Giving Tuesday, the tradition started in 2012 as a way to support nonprofits working on a host of causes around the world with billions in contributions from generous donors.

Since 1984, the Capital Research Center has brought you hard-hitting and independent deep-dives into nonprofits of every stripe. We’re your top resource for checking out charities before cutting them a check. Here are a few useful tools for the canny giver.

Give Wisely

InfluenceWatch is CRC’s rapidly growing encyclopedia on over 8,500 public policy influencers and an excellent tool for givers to connect the dots on which causes and groups those charities fund. At, we’re building a massive and comprehensive database on the connections between charities, foundations, mega-donors, political action committees (PACs), politically active firms, activists, and influencers—and how they use money to influence the political process. With our system, you can track who funds whom, view the nonprofit’s most recently available IRS financial statements, and see how key political players connect with other groups.

In addition, we’re working with Open the Books to bring you comprehensive information on how your federal tax dollars quietly flow to politically active groups.

ProPublica is a leading database on nonprofit financial information, most notably groups’ IRS Form 990 statements. A glance can reveal a nonprofit’s location, board of directors, leadership, mission statement, tax exemption status, and financial state, including its assets and annual budgets.

OpenSecrets is a top nonpartisan watchdog for everything in the nonprofit sector. If you’re looking for more on the top political spenders in the 2019–2020 election cycle and “dark money” on the Left vs. the Right, look no further.

Digging Up the Dirt

Be sure to check out our profiles on the biggest “dark money” empires in Washington at InfluenceWatch.

Few have heard of Arabella Advisors, but it secretly controls a $1.7 billion nonprofit network active in twisting elections and pushing “progressive” policy in Congress. We’ve brought you the sharpest research into just how far Arabella’s reach extends, and it isn’t pretty.

The Biden Administration may win the award for having the deepest reach into the Swamp in history. Check our new hub, where we connect hundreds of administration appointees back to countless activist and lobbying groups on the professional Left.

These are just a few examples in a growing trove of nonprofit information you can use to make sure your money goes to causes you support, not the ones with the best-sounding names. Check out today so you aren’t fooled by the deceptive Left.

Happy Giving Tuesday!




Hayden Ludwig

Hayden Ludwig is the Director of Policy Research at Restoration of America. He was formerly Senior Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. Ludwig is a native of Orange County, California,…
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