Later today ACORN whistleblower Marcel Reid debates Bertha Lewis, the former squatter who presided over the collapse of the corrupt community organizing outfit ACORN in 2010. The one-hour matchup takes…
Here is my oped from the Friday edition of the Washington Times: A George Soros-funded pressure group is behind a new drive to teach Democratic congressmen how to…
Admitted communist Van Jones is working with various leftist groups “to train over 100,000 young people to engage in acts of massive civil disobedience throughout the country,” Ron Radosh writes in…
Ben Smith of the Politico continues to be among the least insightful, least reliable of all inside-the-beltway reporters on the issue of ACORN. Take his column yesterday on ACORN’s…
Laura Ingraham discussed my new book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, on the “O’Reilly Factor” Thursday night. Ingraham noted that,…
I talked about my book Subversion Inc. on “Follow the Money” with Eric Bolling last night. The panelists were John Gibson, former U.S. Senator Al D’Amato (R-New York), and Marc…
George Soros’s character assassination factory Media Matters for America thought Bob Beckel insulting me on Fox Business last night was really funny. (I thought it was funny but only because…
Subversion Inc. author Matthew Vadum will be on “Follow the Money” with Eric Bolling on the Fox Business channel tonight at 10 Eastern talking about his book and the resurgence…