Make no mistake, the same environmentalists who tried to dial coal and oil out of the economy are coming for natural gas next. “Green” fundamentalism won’t be satisfied until it’s…
With the war in Ukraine, Americans are rediscovering the value of cheap and abundant electricity and why past generations craved independence from hostile oil exporters. Not long ago, people knew…
Most of the climate Left opposes carbon-free nuclear energy. The list includes big names such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, and the Environmental Defense Fund. The…
Since 1976, the League of Women Voters has supported energy policies that “limit reliance on nuclear fission.” Yet for seven-plus decades fission reactions have been the only source of nuclear…
Similarly, the Sierra Club, the third of America’s three largest climate policy organization, is described by Environmental Progress as “one of the most effective anti-nuclear environmental organizations in the world.”…
More than two decades after Chernobyl the U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) issued a report analyzing the fatality and health effects of the disaster. It…
"Under the new [2016] rule, wind companies and other power providers will not face a penalty if they kill or injure up to 4,200 bald eagles, nearly four times the…
Environmentalism boils down to making your life harder. From banning oil-burning cars to promising the moon with feel-good renewables, eco-activists are on a mission to make electricity a luxury good—and…
Activists may call it “electrification,” but their plan has nothing to do with bringing electricity to rural communities à la the New Deal and Tennessee Valley Authority. Instead, it’s a…
Virginia's energy economy is the picture of success painted by moderate environmentalists 20 years ago. Almost 60 percent of its electricity is generated from natural gas and another 30 percent…