Talking Points Memo points out that Republicans –and not just Democrats– have taken money from the radical union SEIU. SEIU is virtually indistinguishable from ACORN but the union…
I have a new article on ACORN and SEIU’s attempts to distance itself from the group. From today’s American Spectator, here’s the top of the article: The Service Employees…
SEIU international secretary-treasurer Anna Burger sent a letter to Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), a response to a question the congressman asked her at a hearing last week. Here is…
Jaime E. Feliciano, president of the radical Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 District Labor Council 784, has been convicted of possessing child pornography. Even before the kiddie porn…
President Obama’s new “green jobs” czar Van Jones, an avowed militant communist, had been on the board of the pressure group Apollo Alliance, which aspires to flatten the U.S. economy by…
In her new book Culture of Corruption: Obama and his team of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies, bestselling author Michelle Malkin highlights my work and Capital Research Center’s work…
George Soros-backed SEIU laid off 75 workers and they demonstrated outside the radical union’s offices. AP reports Sometimes even unions have union problems. Dozens of employees of the Service Employees…