Should we believe big investment companies who claim they care deeply about the environment? What about the loudest activist voices who say they care, like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg?…
Darvio Morrow of FCB Radio in Cleveland, OH discusses Black Lives Aftermath on Stacy on the Right. BLM Aftermath is a project he has produced with Capital Research Center, producing…
In 2005, Carter co-authored a study on America’s election systems with James Baker III. The resulting Baker-Carter Commission report still stands as a monument to how to run free, fair,…
The enigmatic North Fund is perhaps the biggest bankroller of left-wing state ballot initiatives you’ve never heard of. This little-known giant is behind the campaign for DC statehood (“51 for…
Arabella Advisors, the Left’s top “dark money” network, was highly active in manipulating the 2020 election. But unseating Trump was only one of Arabella’s goals last year. Others—like passing automatic…
Last month, the National School Boards Association threw a grenade into debates surrounding local school policy by sending a letter to the Biden administration asking for a federal investigation of…
Upon taking office in 2005, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels identified the power of state employees’ unions as a root cause of his state’s fiscal woes. Daniels issued an executive order…