During those three years of the Sequoia/Wellspring funding, a cumulative total of at least $76.9 million was sent out to 18 of the most strident, anti-energy zealots in the climate…
At least $180.5 million of the $450 million in Wellspring/Sequoia climate policy grants given during the 2020 through 2022 donor years—40 percent of the total—went to either nonprofits operating outside…
Myths are an ever-present ingredient in promises made by the wind and solar energy industry. The magic can turn to farce when gullible media tries to make sense of it.
Living near nuclear, natural gas, or coal-fired power stations is comparably boring compared to living near wind turbine farms. The "rare events" of wind turbine failures include spectacular fires, tower…
At present, about 18 million people live in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia and use about 227 million MWh of electricity per year. Wind power would…
The recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act is expected pay out $400 billion in carbon and climate policy pork, and much of it is crashing down on weather-restricted energy systems such…
By July 2023 ReNew Economy, "Unexpected and increasing wind turbine failure rates, largely in newer and bigger models, are savaging the profits of some of the world’s biggest manufacturers, as…
Wind-industry spokesman typically characterize wind turbine failures as "very rare," "isolated," and even "extraordinarily rare." But wind turbine fires and other failures have happened often enough to raise serious questions…
In 2011, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced it was partnering with the Vestas “WindMade” campaign. WWF is anything but a champion of nuclear power. Throughout 2020 and 2021 the…
The history of the Union of Concerned Scientists repeatedly promoting the closure of nuclear energy facilities makes it fair to argue the group has opposed nuclear power. In recent years…