Special interests are critical to a healthy civil society. They represent one of the most effective ways for private citizens to engage on issues that are personally important to them.
Before Arabella Advisors and its nonprofit minions was ALF—the “Arabella Legacy Fund," bankrolled by the Hewlett Foundation and Wilburforce Foundation. Its first initiative was Responsible Trails America, a “pop-up” astroturf…
Arabella has been all about other people’s money from day one, and it remains so. The money in this case was a special but tiny federal fund, the Recreational Trails…
Arabella Legacy Fund’s IRS Form 990s were signed by Eric Kessler, actually Eric J. Kessler. In 2008, Arabella's throughput nearly quadrupled, to $6.1 million in gross receipts, $732,000 of which…
Responsible Trails America’s narrative shamelessly copycatted other progressive outlines. It existed as an “organization” or “coalition” mostly through numerous professionally written press releases. Those in turn directed journalist inquiries to…
The enigmatic North Fund is perhaps the biggest bankroller of left-wing state ballot initiatives you’ve never heard of. This little-known giant is behind the campaign for DC statehood (“51 for…