The 2020 and 2024 elections look quite different. After the 2020 election, Democrats insisted that over $400 million in "Zuck bucks" had no significant effect on voter turnout. Joe Biden,…
The information compiled in InfluenceWatch gives news outlets and other interested parties to use this research in future reporting on significant topics that are often overlooked by the American public.
Around 2013, three private foundations were incorporated anonymously in Delaware, registered in Minnesota, and funded by a web of anonymous trust funds in South Dakota. Each of the foundations used…
Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) ads were more obnoxious this year. Sagging polls made the left’s GOTV machine desperate, and it dug deep in its bag of tricks to find ways to win. The full…
Around 2013, three private foundations were incorporated anonymously in Delaware, registered in Minnesota, and funded by a web of anonymous trust funds in South Dakota. Each of the foundations used…
A “Conservative think tank leader” is now calling for “banning charities from voter registration efforts,” or so a recent USA Today headline reads. Yet the article, instead of discussing the think tank…
Some of the most notorious leftwing interest groups partnered with federal agencies for what amounted to a taxpayer-sponsored get-out-the-vote campaign under President Biden’s election-meddling executive order. The Biden-Harris administration kept…
While a who’s who of the far Left attended the July 2021 listening session, only a few gave presentations. Representatives from the White House, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human…
The Federal Bureau of Prisons announced that it aligned with the League of Women Voters, the ACLU, the Campaign Legal Center, the Washington Lawyers’ Committee, Disability Rights DC, and the…
While the Biden administration didn’t give federal employees a whole day off to vote, as Fair Fight Action called for, the Office of Personnel Management adopted a policy to give…