Crossposted from Climate Dollars — this article was published June 20, 2017 The groups which advance the dubious narrative of man-made global warming have a lucrative ally: the federal…
This article was featured in Western Free Press on June 10, 2017 For more on Dr. Allen’s investigations exposing environmental extremism, see our site at – where…
Crossposted from Climate Dollars Dr. Steven J. Allen was a featured guest on The Real Side radio show with Joe Messina on May 24, where he discusses the history…
Summary: Founded at the end of the radical 1960s, the well-funded Union of Concerned Scientists has consistently tried to undermine U.S. national security by twisting scholarship to suit its left-wing…
Critics say that environmentalists and their bureaucratic allies often treat environmental threats, not as problems to be solved, but as excuses to interfere with much-needed infrastructure projects and with jobs-creating…
Organization Trends, July 2016 (PDF here) Summary: American leadership in space exploration helped create and fuel the high-tech boom that led U.S. global competitiveness since the early 1960s. NASA…