Capital Research Center, America’s investigative think tank, is releasing the first of a planned series of videos examining the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter protests that engulfed cities…
By its own terms, Donald T. Critchlow’s In Defense of Populism: Protest and American Democracy generally “provides less a taxonomy of populists grassroots movements,” though it does do that, “than…
The dominant Black Lives Matter (BLM) group, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, issued an official statement this summer throwing their support behind the brutal Communist regime in Cuba as…
In August, CRC researchers not only broke new stories—see Parker Thayer’s Fox News hit on Zuckerberg’s cash finding its way into local DA races—but also kept the pressure on stories…
Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, joins Mark Bauerlein the podcast to discuss “dark money” and his First Things article, The Founders of Black Lives Matter, and the…
Antifa’s roots are primarily found in interwar Europe, especially within the tumultuous jockeying among the fascist, communist, and democratic political factions trying to fill the vacuum that was Weimar Germany…
Broadly speaking, Antifa is defined by opposition to an expansively defined concept of “fascism” combined with support for a comparatively narrow spectrum of far-left and anarchic ideologies. Opposition to fascism…
Very little is publicly known about how—and the extent to which—Antifa groups are funded. There are a few reasons for this. First, in many contexts it can be difficult to…
While the Black Lives Matter movement as a whole remains focused on largely unchanged issues—particularly policing and other criminal justice topics—these two organizations have undergone some fairly significant transformations in…