Former Labor Department official F. Vincent Vernuccio has a good op-ed in today’s Washington Times about the pending card check legislation. Vernuccio notes that while the secret ballot in…
President-elect Obama’s choice of Rep. Hilda Solis (D-California), a champion of labor, as his labor secretary had led to outbreaks of ideological ecstasy among the Big Labor establishment. But once…
Illinois’s corrupt Democratic governor, Rod Blagojevich, reportedly wanted to muscle out Change to Win chairman Anna Burger, who is also secretary-treasurer of Service Employees International Union (SEIU). (Sam…
Some union members in Illinois just don’t know what to do after the Illinois-based Republic Windows and Doors closed down. Says union member Armando Robles, “I do whatever I…
Timothy Carney had an excellent post in yesterday’s DC Examiner regarding the possible bailout of the Big Three automakers. Carney points out that a bailout of the car companies…
Robert Tracinski of The Intellectual Activist wrote a great op-ed on why bailing out the big automakers in Detroit is a really, really, really bad idea. It begins: He…
Although Democratic Party owner George Soros didn’t make the “O List” published by the New Republic, two individuals associated with his Democracy Alliance, the secretive liberal billionaires’ club, did. The…
We highly suggest giving this month’s edition of CRC’s Labor Watch a close read. Below is a brief summary. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that employees not protected by Right to…