Now this is funny. A major donor to the far-left group ACORN and its affiliates is…(drumroll)…the Robin Hood Foundation. Bada bing! The foundation has given ACORN $821,000 consisting of…
ACORN’s vote fraud frenzy continues unabated. Highlights from the latest news: The FBI is investigating ACORN for massive vote fraud. ACORN is apparently now under investigation in 11…
For those out in Internet land who would like a quick recent history of activist groups’ involvement in shady voter registration and turnout schemes, check out Capital Research Center’s April 2006 Organization Trends. In that issue…
I just realized that ACORN and William Ayers’s terrorist group, the Weather Underground, have the same parent (or perhaps grandparent): Students for a Democratic Society. Both grew out…
It’s good to hear again from the mendacious masochists at the Media Matters spinoff, ConWebBlog, who, like moths to a flame, have returned to the CRC Blog for another good beating. …
This isn’t quite what we were expecting but we’ve learned that the Buckeye Institute has filed suit against vote manufacturer ACORN and its vote fraud marketing arm, Project Vote, under…
The adventures of vote manufacturer ACORN just keep getting funnier. The St. Petersburg (Florida) Times reports that ACORN filed voter registration forms for Disney character Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse…
CNN reports that ACORN in Lake County, Indiana, filed 2,100 voter registrations and all 2,100 have been deemed fraudulent. Every single one. With a straight face, ACORN attorney Brian…
Progressive Future has been posting handbills in Washington, D.C. advertising “JOBS TO ELECT OBAMA.” We’d never heard of the left-wing group that also operates as Work for Progress so we did…’s latest action email sent to supporters contains some curious wording. It unveils the left-wing pressure group’s “Operation Landslide” campaign and urges members to make calls to swing state voters…