Below is a short description of our September publications with links included. Enjoy! Congress is about to pass a “cap-and-trade” energy bill that claims to keep global warming in check…
A Capital Research Center Highlight August 30, 2007 Gaddafi Reloaded How a Terrorist Financier Uses Charities for a PR Facelift By Eliza Gheorghe Summary: Westerners know that Libya is an…
Safeguarding a Conservative Donor’s Intent The Roe Foundation at 39 [PDF Here] By John J. Miller Summary: The late Thomas A. Roe, a businessman with an enduring respect…
Since 1930 the mammoth W.K. Kellogg Foundation has given billions of dollars to causes and projects that encourage dependency on government. Founder W.K. Kellogg rejected socialism, but he was not…
Liberal advocacy groups --and the foundations that fund them-- expect the 110th Congress to add new layers of government regulation onto businesses that keep the U.S. economy dynamic. They want…
Liberals love PBS--and stick America's taxpayers with the bill. While left-wing foundations and nonprofits think PBS deserves even more federal money, they also want more big private gifts. Has George…
Environmentalist groups want the new Congress to reject common sense policies encouraging more domestic energy production to wean America off foreign energy. Instead, green groups want to discourage energy production…
The group Code Pink has seized the leadership of women activists opposed to the war in Iraq. Mixing radical feminists and pacifists with Old and New Left Marxists, Code Pink…
Obsessed with fundraising, the fabulously wealthy Southern Poverty Law Center exaggerates the scope of racism in the United States to frighten donors into opening their wallets. SPLC is nominally a…