A British court has ruled that Al Gore’s much-hyped movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is political propaganda. An article on the ruling is available here, and a more detailed analysis by the…
Christopher DeMuth has announced that he will retire as president of the American Enterprise Institute in 2008. DeMuth became president in 1986. Under his leadership AEI’s budget grew from $7.7 million…
Human Events has re-published Deborah Corey Barnes’s fine article on former Vice President Al Gore’s self-serving crusade against carbon dioxide emissions, a hype campaign that could ultimately put millions of dollars in his…
Capital Research Center’s October publications have been posted. They are: Organization Trends Demonizing Subprime Lenders: Liberal Groups Oppose Consumer Choice By Melanie Sans and Matthew Vadum When…
Byron York’s National Review column today takes a look at the moneymen behind the 501(c)(3) charitable group Media Matters, which is helping to coordinate the Senate Democrats’ effort to get Rush Limbaugh’s…
Today’s New York Sun reports that Barnard College aims to raise $20 million by selling on its website the naming rights to a new campus building. Ebay for higher ed.
for former Labor Secretary Robert Reich to recycle his old columns, but you’d think the Los Angeles Times would be disturbed to know that the Reich op-ed that it…
The title of this op-ed in today’s Los Angeles Times suggests that Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, is criticizing philanthropy directed toward Harvard and other institutions that he calls “culture palaces.” Charity…
Over the years Capital Research Center’s best-selling book has been “Classical Education” by Gene Veith and Andrew Kern. Their book is an overview of the movement to introduce a “Great Books”-style…