Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) nails it in a piece on RealClearPolitics today: We are at an economic dead-end and those in power are in denial. The truth is our…
The FreedomWorks Foundation is planning to sue over the Mother of All Bailouts, arguing it is unconstitutional. It’s a debate worth having but given that since the 1930s the…
Democrat Roland Burris, appointed to the U.S. Senate by the venal Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, was sworn in (apparently) less than one hour ago. His official Senate web…
“Congressman LaHood’s staff called me, saying, ‘We know your roads are in bad condition. What can we do?’ said LuAnn Johnson, executive director of the Oak Ridge Cemetary in Springfield.
We keep hearing again and again and again from the media that Timothy Geithner, President-elect Obama’s choice as Treasury secretary, made an honest mistake in failing to pay employment taxes.
“I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.” –No. 6, a character in “The Prisoner” played by Patrick McGoohan,…
At the lovefest that was Sen. Hillary Clinton’s nomination hearing for the post of U.S. secretary of state today, Richard Lugar, a Republican from Indiana, lamented that “nearly 1 billion people…
Marc Ambinder of the Atlantic reports that President-elect Barack Obama is dining tonight in the D.C. suburbs with conservative commentators David Brooks, William Kristol, and possibly George Will. “[E]stablishment opinion…
Timothy Geithner, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for U.S. treasury secretary, failed to pay personal taxes and failed to verify the immigration status of a housekeeper, according to reports. Will…
Will China save America from itself? I know it sounds absurd but a story suggests China will stop buying U.S. Treasury debt, a move that would make it difficult…