"Net neutrality" is a solution in search of a problem. The "content providers" like Google that put information on the Internet want the federal government to have the power to…
(Organization Trends, June 2009 PDF here) Religious green groups are distorting the tenets of Christianity in order to pressure church congregations to go…
Although we are flattered that the Center for Social Inclusion’s website linked to our Oct. 5 post on the recent “Saturday Night Live” skit in which mortgage moguls Herb and Marion…
(Foundation Watch, July 2008 PDF here) This year California lawmakers considered unprecedented legislation imposing politically correct reporting standards on the state’s foundations. Championed…
Hell-bent on preventing Western companies from launching development projects that might lift people in the third world out of poverty, Western nongovernmental organizations are hurting the people they claim to…
From a posh townhouse on Manhattan's Upper East Side, the Century Foundation has been pumping out research and opinion on homeland security, Social Security, immigration, war, the media, education, and…
With assets of nearly $5 billion, annual grants totaling $180 million, extensive name recognition, and global influence, the MacArthur Foundation is nothing if not secure. Perhaps that's why it can't…
Incongruously, charities that bear the Rockefeller family name direct millions of dollars toward liberal and leftist causes. Is the knee-jerk anti-capitalism of John D. Rockefeller's heirs–as reflected by the activities…